Hear, O Israel! The LORD is our God, the LORD is one!

You shall love the LORD your Godwith all your heart and with all your soul and with all your might.

These words, which I am commanding you today, shall be on your heart.

You shall teach them diligently to your sons and shall talk of them when you sit in your house and when you walk by the way and when you lie down and when you rise up.

You shall bind them as a sign on your hand and they shall be as frontals o your forehead.

You shall write them on the doorposts of your house and on your gates.

Deut 6: 4-9

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Daddy's Girl

I have always been a daddy's girl.  I helped him outside on projects on weekends, we curled up and watched the Braves lose on the weekday and Saturday afternoon and on Sunday afternoons after church we curled up and watched the Saints lose.  My daddy did all those silly little girl dances and hand slapping games.  He played board games and countless hours of softball and basketball with me.  When I cried he held me, when I laughed he laughed with me.  When I grew up and moved away we talked on the phone daily.  I respect his opinion and I love that I can still call him for the smallest or biggest of advice.  I love that he misses me and I miss being his little girl. 

God has placed me in a very unique position in life right now.  He has removed me from my daddy (and my mom too.)  He has removed me from very treasured Godly friendships.  He has removed me from my Church Body that was such an integral part of who I am.  He has placed me in a country that is very difficult.  A place of little sunshine, a place of private and quiet customs and churches that are very difficult to fit into.  In the midst of all this change, I have been plagued with constant sickness and SERIOUS marriage issues.

The temptation for me, as always, is to run back to daddy.  To fall into his arms and to know that he will protect me from pain and hurt.  To know that he can kiss the boo-boos off of my heart and he can hold me until it all goes away.  Don't you wish life was that easy. 

But today, in the middle of a terrible situation, something hit me.  Is Jesus calling me to his lap?  Is he removing all those idols I have sitting on HIS throne in my heart?  I am not sure but either way, today I just want to be daddy's girl.  I want to bask in the glow of my heavenly Father.  I want to curl up in his lap and I want him to "Rejoice over me singing."  I want to cry and I want lay in his arms and I want him wipe my tears with his Blood stained hands.  I want to rest in the assurance that I am still Daddy's Little Girl! 

I posted a while back about learning contentment.  Maybe God has removed everything that would hinder me from crawling back to HIM!  Maybe, just maybe, he is singing me a lullaby even now.  Maybe as I type this he is whispering his love and wooing me to his lap.  Abba Father, I am coming to you as your Child and tonight I need to be Daddy's Little Girl!

Lord, today I come with skinned up knees and elbows.  A heart that has been ripped to pieces but Lord you are my Father.  And although my physical Earthly father is not here, remind me of Your Presence!  Envelope me in your blanket of peace and rock my soul to sleep in your rest!  I come as your little girl, I need to be mended and I need today more than ever to feel the love of my DADDY!  Hold me near to you today and as my tears flow down your robes, may I awake to bigger and brighter vision of YOU!  May you use this and every single obstacle I face make me resemble my DADDY and bring him all the GLORY!

1 comment:

Zaunbrecher's said...

It is so cool that this was your scripture for the day. In our Bible study this morning we were discussing this exact scripture. Guess God had me thinking about my children, but I also thought about you earlier today. I said a prayer and hopefully you feel it.

love you.